Maintainers III: 2019
The third in a series of conferences that celebrates and unpacks the concepts of maintenance, infrastructure, repair, and the myriad forms of labor and expertise that sustain our human-built world.
The third in a series of conferences that celebrates and unpacks the concepts of maintenance, infrastructure, repair, and the myriad forms of labor and expertise that sustain our human-built world.
An invitation to participate in a broad ranging discussion that infuses information maintenance with practices, relationships, and ways of thinking and being that represent a coherent ethic of care.
Our purpose is to support the maintenance of information and those who manage, maintain, and preserve information systems.
By leveraging high quality data from across domains and data sources and making them more accessible, we are giving researchers, businesses, policymakers and other stakeholders the tools to more meaningfully invest in the more than 50 million households who, despite severe economic hardship, play critical roles in the maintenance of our infrastructure and economy.
Why do individuals neglect maintenance? How do people perceive maintenance-oriented occupations? And how does the relative status (or “sexiness”) of maintenance shape career paths and societal allocations of resources?
Our work is to understand, respect, recognize, and reward the contributions of those who build and maintain the infrastructure of our economy and society.
What types of information maintenance work is deemed “essential” or mission-critical during the COVID-19 pandemic within cultural stewardship organizations, and how has the organization of that work changed during the pandemic? How do essential information maintenance workers perceive their role and status within cultural stewardship organizations? In what ways do essential information maintainers’ perceptions of their role and status within cultural stewardship organizations relate to access and preservation outcomes?
Announcing a MAINTAINERS EUROPE conference in Paris on December 12, 2018. This is an event about Maintainers with a focus on Open Source Software, and how code maintenance can teach and learn from global maintenance practices. Maintainers Europe is a track within APIdays, a … More →