Maintainers Europe at APIdays, 2018
12/12/2018 12:00 am
Announcing a MAINTAINERS EUROPE conference in Paris on December 12, 2018. This is an event about Maintainers with a focus on Open Source Software, and how code maintenance can teach and learn from global maintenance practices.
Maintainers Europe is a track within APIdays, a series of conferences on APIs (for the uninitiated: application programming interfaces). APIdays in Paris is gathering 2000+ worldwide API experts around the latest API, Microservices, and Containers technologies for the digital society and digital economy.
Maintainers Europe follows the model that APIdays uses at conferences around the world: a mix of keynote speakers and an “unconference” format that maximizes opportunities for discussion and interaction.
To register and participate:
Visit and follow the “Register” link to eventbrite, and use the discount code MAINTAINER. You can also use this link if all else fails. Registration is FREE, thanks to the support of APIdays sponsors. Note that while APIdays is itself a 2-day conference on December 11-12, this registration is good only for the Maintainers Europe track on December 12.
Also from you’ll see that you can propose an unconference topic. This is your chance to set the agenda for the conference: what topics around maintenance, open source, and related issues should we discuss? How could we use this meeting to advance the maintainers agenda in the digital, material, and social worlds? You’re welcome to submit topics even if you can’t join us in Paris – we’ll be sure to report back after the conference.
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
- Vladimir de Turkheim, core maintainer of Node, Security Group
- Olivier Tassinari, core maintainer of MaterialUI
- Shelby Switzer, Head of Integration at Healthify
- Tibor Vass, core maintainer at Docker
- Isabelle Reusa, Creator of API (dot) Culture
- Andy Russell, co-creator of The Maintainers