Sarah Sao Mai Habib

Maintainers Movement Builder, Summer Fellow 2021

Multidisciplinary artist, writer and cultural worker

Sarah is a multidisciplinary artist, writer and cultural worker based in New Mexico & California. Her work engages the interaction between place, space, body, and the constructed borders within & between them. Their practice is an act of remembrance & honoring the resilience that allows them to be & to cultivate balance. Their work embodies a particular weaving of Vietnamese & Iraqi heritage within Turtle Island and its many lineages of liberation work. Most recently, Habib is focused on reawakening earth based skills & ritual as means for healing and reparations on multiple scales.

Sarah’s publications:

Report: RELATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE: Adobe building, ritual, and healing

Blog post: The Altars Which Found Us

Blog posts: Design, Care & Reparations



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