Virtual Coffee Chats with The Maintainers Team

a light blue background with dark red letters saying "Grab a coffee with The Maintainers". In the center of the graphic is a painted coffee cup, with steam coming off the top. In the upper right hand corner is The Maintainers logo.

Curious about The Maintainers? Join us for a casual Coffee Chat! 

The Coffee Chats are virtual meetings, of 30 minutes or less, in which you can chat with a team or Maintainers network member that can orient you to our work, and speak to potential participation in our program, or further collaboration. 

Our community is virtual, interdisciplinary, and global — and the projects we support are eclectic in their nature. We love celebrating maintenance, repair and care initiatives from a myriad of professional, academic, and personal spheres. We are always happy to meet with people one on one via these Coffee Chats to walk you through our programs, our focus, and offer ways you may engage with the network or that we can support you. We typically follow up with resources and suggestions on who we can connect you with within our network, or others that may supplement your interests. 

Through our Coffee Chats we can:

  • Provide feedback on your project around maintenance, repair, and care, as well as connecting you with other practitioners that may be good partners for your project. 
  • Support students, early career, or advanced career professionals interested in learning more about maintenance, repair and care studies. 
  • Explore pathways for collaboration and/or cross-promotion if we find a values alignment.
  • Orient you on available programs such as blog post writing, Meet Ups, events, and more.

Please email us at if you would like to chat, and we will follow up with scheduling options.