Maximillian Alvarez

Maintainers Movement Fellow 2022

Editor-in-Chief of "The Real News Network" & Host of "Working People" podcast,

Maximillian Alvarez is the Editor-in-Chief of The Real News Network and the host of Working People, “a podcast about the lives, jobs, dreams, and struggles of the working class today.” Prior to joining The Real News, he was an Associate Editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education and graduated with a dual-PhD in History and Comparative Literature from the University of Michigan. His work has been featured in a range of outlets, including The Nation, In These Times, Boston Review, Truthout, and The Baffler. He has a book of interviews coming out in early 2022 with OR Books titled The Work of Living: Working People Talk About Their Lives and the Year the World Broke

Maximillian’s publications and events:

Podcast: Embodying Degrowth

Event: Embodying Degrowth Event 

Blog post: The life of the Earth is our life: A conversation with farmer, grandfather, and Earth Defender Chili Yazzie about efforts in Navajo Nation to return to traditional farming practices. 

Blog post:What Could a Worker-Focused Just Transition Look Like? A conversation with Megan, James, & Clarke — current and former workers in the oil industry — on the need to build a more ecologically sustainable economy. 

Blog post: Fight against the bullies:A conversation with David Whiteside of Tennessee River Keeper about the fight for clean water in the Deep South. 

Blog post: Solidarity is the only hope we have for saving our crumbling world

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