Maintainers Spotlight

An Interview With a Maintainer: Vincent Lai

SUMMARY KEYWORDS repair, fix, maintenance, laptop, lamps, broken, hard drive, screens, repair shop   On October 13, 2023,  Lauren interviewed Vincent Lai, a longtime Fixer Collective leader for the past decade and a dedicated member of the maintenance and repair … More →

An Interview with a Maintainer: Aaliyah Bailey

This interview was conducted on June 15, 2023, between maintainer Aaliyah Sweet P. Bailey and The Maintainers’ community outreach and engagement coordinator, Liliana. “An Interview with a Maintainer” is a part of the Maintainers Spotlight series, blog posts focused on … More →

Maintainers Spotlight: The Custodian Project, an interview with Evalynn Fae Taganna Romano

Maintainers Spotlight: The Custodian Project, an interview with Evalynn Fae Taganna Romano By Madison Snider  I first met Evalynn Fae Taganna Romano while recruiting participants for my dissertation research. I wanted to know how increasingly datafied built environments were impacting … More →

Maintainers Spotlight | Submit a Blog Post

#MaintainersSpotlight In order to increase the visibility of maintenance efforts across all disciplines, we invite you to share your reflections and relationship to maintenance by submitting a blog post to spotlight a Maintainer or maintenance effort in your community. We … More →