Meet Maintainers Fellow Terra Graziani: Maintaining Home, Abolishing Evictions

My name is Terra Graziani. I am a researcher and organizer, and for the past ten years I have worked in the tenant movement in California in various roles, building tenant power through public education, community-based research, and organizing. I … More →

Meet Maintainers Fellow Jennah Jones: The Circular Economy is a Collaborative Economy

– by Jennah Jones In the summer after I graduated high school, two seemingly unrelated events occurred within the same week. Gabriel Garcia Marquez — Colombian literary giant and my favorite author at the time — had passed away. That same … More →

Dreaming of Circular Futures: A Maintainers Fellowship Event

Virtual Event October 6, 2023 | 12-1:30 PM EDT | Zoom   Dreaming of Circular Futures explores the potential of urban mining and landfill mining as viable alternatives to material extraction. We will discuss the similarities and differences of these … More →

Event Recording, Moving Toward Maintenance: Community

Virtual Event June 2, 2023 at 11am ET on Zoom Join The Maintainers network and friends for a 3-Part Event Series highlighting different spheres of maintenance, asking: “How do we maintain ourselves? Our communities? Our movement?”. Together we will explore questions … More →

An Interview with a Maintainer: Aaliyah Bailey

This interview was conducted on June 15, 2023, between maintainer Aaliyah Sweet P. Bailey and The Maintainers’ community outreach and engagement coordinator, Liliana. “An Interview with a Maintainer” is a part of the Maintainers Spotlight series, blog posts focused on … More →

Moving Toward Maintenance: Community

June 2, 2023 at 11am ET on Zoom Join The Maintainers network and friends for a 3-Part Event Series highlighting different spheres of maintenance, asking: “How do we maintain ourselves? Our communities? Our movement?”. Together we will explore questions about … More →

Moving Toward Maintenance: Self

April 7, 2023 at 3pm ET on Zoom Join The Maintainers network and friends for a 3-Part Event Series highlighting different spheres of maintenance, asking: “How do we maintain ourselves? Our communities? Our movement?”. Together we will explore questions about … More →

March Maintenance Session

03/17/2023 2–4pm ET Invitation: Join The Maintainers for a monthly, no-cost, DIY maintenance session. We invite you to set aside two hours a month for maintenance. This can be time dedicated to maintaining your work, your home, your body, your relationships, … More →

February Maintenance Session

02/17/2023 2–4pm ET Invitation: Join The Maintainers for a monthly, no-cost, DIY maintenance session. We invite you to set aside two hours a month for maintenance. This can be time dedicated to maintaining your work, your home, your body, your relationships, … More →

January Maintenance Session

01/20/2023 2–4pm ET Invitation: Join The Maintainers for a monthly, no-cost, DIY maintenance session. We invite you to set aside two hours a month for maintenance. This can be time dedicated to maintaining your work, your home, your body, your relationships, … More →