past fellows

Terra Graziani

For the past ten years, Terra has worked in the tenant movement in California in various roles, building tenant power through public education, community-based research, and organizing. She helps run The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (AEMP), a digital storytelling documenting dispossession … More →

Jennah Jones

Jennah Jones (she/her) is a New York-based designer pursuing a Masters in Architecture at Columbia GSAPP (‘24). Her approach to architecture is deeply informed by her background in product design, where her curriculum stressed human-centered design and community partnerships rooted … More →

Maximillian Alvarez

Maximillian Alvarez is the Editor-in-Chief of The Real News Network and the host of Working People, “a podcast about the lives, jobs, dreams, and struggles of the working class today.” Prior to joining The Real News, he was an Associate … More →